
This will be a short blog, I only have one photo to share, but the story behind it is one that will be forever talked about.

For a few years now, I’ve been adding different things to my bucket list. Some I’ve already accomplished. But one that has been on my mind is to photograph the Northern Lights. Problem is I’m too far south to capture its beauty. As you know I travel to Southampton, Ontario all the time! Is my second home. Still far south, I’ve never seen the lights in that area, until this passed weekend.

So the story goes like this. This past Saturday my husband and daughter were heading down to the beach around 10pm to see the stars over Lake Huron. It was an incredible sight to see. So quite, and peaceful, I set my camera up to shoot the, stars, when I noticed a pinkish hue in the corner of one of my photographs. Problem was, you couldn’t see it with you own eyes because it was so very faint. I showed my husband, and was convinced that was the Northern Lights. Excited, we headed back to our car and headed for  The Range Light House, at the mouth of the Saugeen River.

I quickly set up my camera, and took a very long exposure shot (around 60 sec) and captured the most beautiful photo I’ve ever taken! I was jumping up and down on the beach and so happy, that I couldn’t wait to come home to see it on my computer.  And there you have it. Another of my bucket list. I will never forget that night.

My gear:

Canon Mark 3


tripod/cable release
